Illustrated Pincushions PDF Download Pattern
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Please note, there are NO INSTRUCTIONS.
Skill level: confident beginner, Raw edge applique experience required.
Please watch my YouTube video for raw edge applique technique.
Total of 5 pages
The pattern has 14 designs + mirror images for your applique
-Linen or light color fabric for base: 3'' x 3''
-Print fabric for back: 3'' x 3''
-Fusible web, such as Lite Steam A Seam 2
-Polyester fill, such as Poly-fil
-Dark thread for applique
Buying this pattern allows you to make and sell items on a small, handmade scale (please credit @zeriano patterns in your written description).
Thank you for your purchase. Please email me at zeriano@naver.com if you have any questions.
- Minki Kim