Minki's Work Table

Patch Box Pouch PDF Download Pattern

Model Number: patchbox2020
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Watch my Youtube Tutorial

Skill level: Intermediate
Total 8 pages
The pattern includes step-by-step pictures.

Finished Size
Big pouch: 6’’ wide x 6’’ high x 3’’ deep
Small Pouch: 4’’ wide x 4’’ high x 2’’ deep

Materials and Supplies
-Assorted print scraps: 64 squares 2’’ x 2’’ for the patchwork.
-Lining: 1/2 yard
-Binding:1/8 yard
-Cotton batting: 1/2 yard
-Zipper: at least 12’’ (longer zipper is easy to attach, available in my shop)
Leather scrap or cotton ribbon for the tabs: two
Leather label (optional, available in my shop.)

Buying this pattern allows you to make and sell items on a small, handmade scale (please credit @zeriano patterns in your written description).

Thank you for your purchase. Please email me at zeriano@naver.com if you have any questions.
- Minki Kim